Thursday, 8 September 2016

September moon 2016

The new set of September's harvest moon seemed to bring me to this platform of journaling once again. The temptation to spend sometimes alone to blog are so rare nowadays. I wondered every evenings while putting Grace to sleep if I ever get to draw, write or sew for myself again one day.
So here I am pretending to look forward on the idea of Grace going to nursery. She was two in June. Since we moved to a little town in West Sussex from London. We both decided to find the closest nursery around where we lived. I feel that it's for the benefit of the mother's sake and to better Grace's social skill.
This summer for once has not been the happiest one. Yet at the same time it has been the biggest one in terms of planning our future. Middle of the year always have been my happiest time to form memories. However this year mentally and physically has been one of the heaviest one to burden. My dearest family and having Grace around has thankfully got me back to a healthier me as mum again. I would so love to share these snippets of ups and down in the near future as soon as new routine is starting to settle down. In the mean time here are some pictures of Grace from this summer so far.

One from our last backyard in London and the later from Brighton seafront.

Her hair is getting bigger but her foot still fits on a shoes that was bought since last Winter. I love that all the bigger size clothes fits her better now. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...