Sunday, 1 September 2013

September Roast

Things are slowly getting better. Me and my family has been mourning to such a sad lost, my mind almost shuts down to what’s around me. A nice Sunday dinner with my loved one and my dear friend that I haven’t seen for few months really make a big difference on moving forward.
My friend is really good at recommending places with great roast dinner. So she has successfully persuaded us to come and eat at ‘Eat 17’and enjoyed our meal very much. I was very happy with their use of local produce ingredients when I came home and checked it on their website. I had lovely Moroccan Lamb sausages from the butcher ‘across the road’ and everyone seemed to cleaned up their plate with no complaint or so ever (except the one who doesn’t eat their greens). I had a bite of the famous Bacon Jam burger and was not disappointed to what they have been preaching all about it.
Walthamstow was not so bad at all. On Our walk to Eat 17, we grabbed a bunch of colourful tomatoes and beautiful courgette from Wildco stall at the Farmer's market. We were mesmerised by the marble pattern of the the tomatoe's skin.

I must say I appreciate today even more since the ever so lovely my mother who has been cooking fantastic Indonesian meal and recharge my taste bud to a real gritty and meaty English flavour.