Saturday, 4 May 2013

Lippy stick.

This week has been another stress-full week for me. The mood was so low that I'm beginning to forget taking iron tablets and getting even more fatigue. To cheer up the spirit I've been spring cleaning my cosmetic case and found my old favourite lipstick that I stopped putting it on when my confident was really low.
So I will start by reviewing Guerlain Divinora lipstick in number 260.

Appearance: I never really bother about the case of a cosmetic. But this one has a lovely battered gold case that fits lovely in between the tip of your finger.

Texture: First glance of of the shimmer looks quite glittery but then when you apply it on your lips its mostly moisture that glides lovely. I have a very sensitive skin and tried many lipstick that ended up drying and chapping my skin. This one is surprisingly balmy and keep your lips moisturized for a long time.
Colour: I was again surprised by how long lasting the lipstick was. I was walking outdoor in the sun for 2 hours and the colour stays pretty much the same. I tend to forget to re-aplying more lipstick when I have a busy working day and even after 5 hours (in a hot day) the colour become really gentle and give that lovely healthy pink colour lips. I would say this colour is also perfect for either dark and light skin. I feel that this is not too garish 'Pink' pink and perfect if you want something a bit more retro looking, other than just red coloured lipstick.
Value for money: I think it really worth getting a little bit more expensive lipstick if you have sensitive skin. The amount of money I have wasted on trying cheaper brands and gave me chappy lips will add up to the same price bracket as this lipstick.

I am also loving this top from Laura Ashley at the moment. I found it for such bargain at charity shops 1 week ago. I would say this type of habit will be able to help me on funding better quality product. The dainty (machine) embroidery lifted my mood a little bit this weekend.

Thank you so much for visiting my new blog.
Have a good weekend.

Love Tiaz.